Jason’s first forays in design was helping businesses build online brands through user-centered web design, as well as applying design thinking to developing his freelance business. Before starting out as a designer, he was previously with the National Council of Social Service where he helped develop new social services and championed ground-up collaboration between government agencies, voluntary welfare organisations and the grassroots.
At The Human Experience Lab in the Public Service Division, Jason had the opportunity to bring his passions for human-centered design, social innovation and entrepreneurship into government to create public good. He spent 2 months working as part of the design consultancy team at the globally renowned innovation firm IDEO, on a project commissioned by the housing authorities and PSD to look into the future narrative of public housing in Singapore. He led 7 multi-agency projects, interviewing more than 70 people (in one-to-one or group settings) on wide variety of public and social issues such as public housing, neighbourliness, career aspirations, life aspirations, financial literacy, employment for persons with disabilities, and community inclusiveness. The job also required teaching and facilitating some 15 training workshops on design thinking, as well as guiding the artistic and editorial style, copywriting and visual communication for project collateral such as videos, print reports, and posters. The Ministries and Statutory Boards he had worked with and consulted for includes SG Enable, MSF, NCSS, MOE, MTI, MND, MOF, HDB, PA, CSCDC, PSD, NHGP, EMA, STB, HPB, CSC and even public officers from the Commonwealth countries such as Malaysia.
He is now running Outsprint, a social enterprise as public innovation design consultancy, creating products and services that deliver public good and social impact. He recently helped SG Enable, an agency dedicated to enabling persons with disability, design a new end-to-end grant experience through a one-week design sprint.
His voracious reading and passion for sharing online articles had now found some popularity and practical use, in the Design For Public Good Flipboard magazine, with over 11,000 followers.